Hearthstone | Midrange Reno Paladin Champion Deck & Decklist | Constructed |

2016-03-27 4

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked
Midrange Reno Paladin Champion Deck by irthwinner

Potential: up to Legend rank
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[Mana] Card Name

[2]Shielded Minibot
[3]Aldor Peacekeeper
[3]Muster for Battle
[4]Blessing of Kings
[4]Keeper of Uldaman
[4]Murloc Knight
[4]Truesilver Champion
[5]Solemn vigil
[8]Lay on Hands
[8]Tirian Fordring

[1]Zombie Chow
[2]Acidic Swamp Ooze
[2]Ironbeak Owl
[2]Knife Juggler
[2]Wild Pyromancer
[3]Big Game Hunter
[4]Piloted Shredder
[4]Sen'jin Shieldmasta
[5]Antique Healbot
[5]Sludge Belcher
[6]Justicar Trueheart
[6]Sylvanas Windrunner
[6]Reno Jackson
[7]Dr. Boom